Do bettter for your securityby using security software
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Do bettter for your securityby using security software
Android phone should be safe in usage; it keeps a lot of valuable data, which should not be transferred into to the other hands. No one is eager to spend much money on something useless.
1) Lookout application has a lot of value functions intrusion prevention, antivirus, firewall. The better way to use all of them is to systemize it on your phone. This application also helps in case of lost or theft. Log in to the computer and tracking down your phone. It will help you to trace your phone on the map, save all personal data, video, contacts, messages.
2) Wave Secure security application is too close to Lookout. It locks down your phone from the web screen. One big advantage of Wave Security is wiping out a feature.
3) Protector. It differs much from two previous applications. It also allows protecting all the data with the help of special passwords. Following features of your phone are being protected SMS, Gmail’s, Settings, Calendar, Photos, E-mails, and every matter where the password can be used as an option.
It is also possible to protect some special features with the help of such applications.
An application does not allow making your phone any informative danger. Task manager is a function which preserves from losing the protection. Uninstalling protection application requires the pin code.
But fortunately there is no pin recovery at all. Having forgotten your pin one may be screwed. That’s why be sure you have memorized it or saved anywhere.
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With Army Gen. Keith Alexander named as its first commander, U.S. Cyber Command has a challenging mission and Alexander a demanding job.
Army Gen. Keith Alexander, the new commander of U.S. CyberCom.
(Credit: National Security Agency)Receiving a promotion to four-star general, Alexander on Friday was officially given the reins of U.S. Cyber Command by Defense Secretary Robert Gates during a ceremony in Fort Meade, Md. That signaled the initial launch of the division, which won't be up to full capability until October 1.
The mission of U.S. Cyber Command, or CyberCom, is to synchronize the Defense Department's various networks and cyberspace operations to better defend them against the onslaught of cyberattacks.
"Given our increasing dependency on cyberspace, this new command will bring together the resources of the department to address vulnerabilities and meet the ever-growing array of cyberthreats to our military systems," Gates said in a statement.
Last June, Gates approved the birth of Cyber Command as a unified, subdivision of U.S. Strategic Command to manage the Defense Department's resources of 15,000 computer networks across 4,000 military bases in 88 countries. The launching of U.S. CyberCom had been stalled, awaiting Senate confirmation of Alexander. But with Senate approval having been cleared on May 7, CyberCom is now free to open for business.
About 1,000 people will work at CyberCom at Fort Meade, with most of them moving over from existing jobs.
Concerns have been raised, notably by Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton--the commander of U.S. Strategic Command--over the segregation that currently exists among the different cybernetworks and information resources across the military.
"This segregation detracts from natural synergies and ignores our experience in organizing to operate in the air, land, sea, and space domains," Gates said before the House Armed Services Committee in March. "The establishment of U.S. CyberCom will remedy this problem in the cyberdomain."
To integrate the military's vast cyber-resources, Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn III has spearheaded the effort to launch CyberCom. With the U.S. military more dependent on information technology than forces in other countries, Lynn believes the military must be able to safeguard its own networks and be free to utilize them across the world.
"We want to be able to maintain those advantages and protect the military missions, and that is the main mission of Cyber Command; it is to protect the military networks," Lynn said in a statement. "It will have a role, though, in protecting the government's networks and critical infrastructure."
Coordinating all of the disparate agencies with a role in cyberdefense has been a huge challenge, as different groups in government have struggled to map out their own agendas. But Lynn seems optimistic that CyberCom can also help clean up some of the bureaucratic snafus and turf wars.
"It will be the place where the Department of Homeland Security will come to on cybersecurity matters," Lynn said. "And it will help rationalize the interagency process."
Since the initial inception of CyberCom almost a year ago, the military has been busy prepping it for launch, according to Lynn. People have been trained, task forces have been set up, investments have been made. Officials from the DOD have also worked with defense companies to focus on both cyberthreats and best practices. Lynn himself has traveled to Great Britain and Australia and will go to Canada to discuss how best to share common threats and technologies.
Questions still remain about the muddy legal waters of cybersecurity. What is considered a cyberattack? How do countries respond to them?
"We're in the midst of a series of meetings the White House is leading to work through a lot of those legal issues," Lynn said. "We've made progress organizationally, industrially, and internationally, but the legal regime in particular is an area we need to tackle further."
But other challenges await the new Cyber Command, especially with the growing threat of cyberattacks.
"It doesn't take the resources of a nation state to launch cyberwar, "noted Lynn. "Nations still have the best capabilities, but you can do very threatening and damaging things with modest investments...Our ability to predict where the threats are coming [from], even in conventional threats, is remarkably poor. We didn't see Desert Storm coming. We didn't see the series of events that led to Afghanistan. Foreseeing the threats in cyberspace is harder. With Cyber Command, I think we need to be prepared for the unexpected."
The changes made to improve the default firewall in Windows 7 are impressive, but the newest version of the free ZoneAlarm Firewall argues that Microsoft still has a long way to go. ZoneAlarm 9.2 introduces multiple new features to one of the world's oldest computer security programs including quieter outbound protection, behavioral detection from the ZoneAlarm Internet security suite, automatic Wi-Fi security setting activation, antiphishing protection, an overhauled ZoneAlarm toolbar, and 2GB of online storage for free.
Program installation was largely a smooth experience, taking about 5 minutes. Users will have to reboot their computers after its done. Prior users of ZoneAlarm's paid security suites might encounter some odd behavior if the uninstallation process of one of those programs left remnants, but this should be the rare exception and not the rule.
ZoneAlarm has unified its security interfaces, so users familiar with one program won't see dramatic changes in another. The left side contains navigation links; the center window is where all the action happens. As noted in the review of ZoneAlarm Extreme Security, it's not a bad design but it doesn't pop visually. The text links can be hard to read because of font choice, and although the center buttons are big, the details within could be easier to read.
Features and support
Designed to be used in conjunction with an antivirus program, the strongest tool in ZoneAlarm's belt is the outbound firewall. Though Windows does offer some outbound protection, it's not activated by default. Most users tend to leave it off because they either don't know about it, or when they do turn it on it regularly interrupts their workflow with pop-up security warnings. Older versions of ZoneAlarm used to be noisy with pop-ups as well, but the new version has been set to be quieter without changing the level of protection. If you prefer, this can be changed in the program settings.
The main window of ZoneAlarm Firewall Free.
(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)During a half-day of testing the default ZoneAlarm Firewall settings, the only pop-ups encountered were those blocking new software installations. The pop-ups for the three programs tested went away and allowed the installation to proceed with one click. More than just a low rate of interference, only encountering pop-ups for program installations is precisely the kind of warning that keeps you aware of what's occurring on your computer without distracting you simply for surfing the Web.
The benefits of an outbound firewall might not be readily apparent. An inbound firewall blocks threats coming in from the outside, but an outbound firewall does more than prevent your computer from spreading viruses and malware to others. If your computer has been compromised by a botnet, for example, outbound protection will stop it from sending your data back to its host servers. It can also stop program spoofing, which is when a malicious program pretends to be a good one, and IP spoofing, which is when harmful network transmissions dress up as safe ones.
This update includes DefenseNet, ZoneAlarm's behavioral detection system of anonymously contributed data that's used to verify and block threats. Previously, it had only been present in ZoneAlarm's antivirus programs. You can opt out from it when you install, but contributing doesn't negatively affect your system's performance.
The ZoneAlarm toolbar has also been given more than a simple spit-shine. You can opt out of installing it when you run the main installer, and install it later if you wish, but ZoneAlarm was quick to point out that it without it key security features are not activated. Hiding the toolbar after it's been installed won't disable its protections, which include the aforementioned signature and heuristic-based antiphishing protections.
It also adds a site check option that can be used to reveal the date founded and physical location of the site and has customizable safe site buttons for launching regularly visited sites such as Facebook or your banking site. The e-mail checker built into the toolbar is compatible with Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, RR, Univision, and POP3 accounts. Unfortunately, there's no IMAP support. Finally, the toolbar links to ZoneAlarm's free 2GB of online backup space, courtesy IDrive, and six months free identity theft protection from IdentityGuard.
One of the more annoying limitations of the toolbar is that it only works with Firefox and Internet Explorer, even though Chrome has supported extensions for a year. Given the instability that toolbars contribute to IE, and the clutter that they add to the browser interface, ZoneAlarm would probably get more mileage out of the feature if it was reduced to a single button that opened a new window or expanded a set of buttons.
ZoneAlarm's toolbar revamp includes new, useful features, but it's still a toolbar.
(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)The Help link in the bottom left of the interface only links to the program's Help file. The only in-program access to the online help Web site, in the form of the free knowledge base and forums or paid telephone support during business hours, comes as a link under the Product Info sub-option under Overview on the left nav.
ZoneAlarm's performance was notable simply for how unnoticeable it was. Shutdown time did not appear to be affected at all, and neither did starting up cold nor rebooting. Changing the antivirus program that it was partnered with didn't affect the firewall's behavior, either. These are big changes from previous versions of ZoneAlarm, and obviously, they're welcome ones, too.
This update of ZoneAlarm Firewall Free should make people do a double-take because of the features and low interference level from the program. It also should do wonders for ZoneAlarm's reputation, but that has more to do with whether years of substandard updates can be erased by a firewall that is the strong, silent type that users need.